
Insure my house

Decrease in website bounce rate

Increase in page ranking

Reduction in technical error

Their story

Insuremyhouse.ie is one of the leading insurance brokers in Ireland, focusing on a multitude of home insurance solutions. Insuremyhouse.ie is heavily focused on providing their users with information on home insurance and making selecting a home insurance policy as easy as possible. Home insurance is an incredibly competitive space on Google and there are a myriad of options to choose from. It was imperative that Insuremyhouse.ie was able to stand out amongst the crowd and engage organically with their customer base.

insure my house logo
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The Goal

Increase the ranking of Insuremyhouse.ie’s home insurance services website on Google.

Develop engaging content designed to assist home insurance seekers with receiving all the information necessary to purchase their home insurance.

Improve the performance of significant home insurance industry keywords through content development.

Improve upon the technical performance of the website that was causing a significant reduction in SEO rankings.

The Solution

Our initial engagement with insuremyhouse.ie began with a full-scale SEO audit of their website including user experience, content, and technical aspects. Upon completion of the analysis, a series of recommendations to enhance SEO performance and user experience were presented to the team at insuremyhouse.ie and subsequently actioned by us. All website content was redeveloped by carefully crafting each page to increase user engagement and to create a natural flow through all pages. We also performed a keyword density and usage analysis which we compared with their top insurance competitors which allowed us to develop unique strategies to boost the position of the keywords and overtake the competition.

During this process, all technical actions that were identified and subsequently rectified were maintained. This provided the website with a significant increase in performance through enhancing page speed and mobile experience optimisation. We consistently improved upon the technical aspects of the site with continuous updates and were able to provide significant data and recommendations to the insuremyhouse.ie team through weekly meetings. Through the process, insuremyhouse.ie was continually kept up-to-date with concise and detailed reporting from our team, allowing them to see all developments and adjustments along the way.



Content Analysis

Everbold carried out a comprehensive content analysis of the Insure My House website to identify where content improvements could be made for the user flow of the site and Search Engine Optimisation.


Technical Analysis

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Search Engine Optimisation

SEO performance is continuously being tracked by Everbold and content adjustments being made to improve keyword and page ranking in this competitive space. A bi-monthly blog is also created and published by Everbold to support SEO performance.


Content Creation

A full technical analysis was carried out on the Insure My House website to identify on-page and off-page technical factors that needed to be adjusted that would affect the user flow and SEO.


Paid Social Media

As an additional digital marketing service, Everbold run paid social campaigns for Insure My House on Facebook and Instagram. These campaigns are specifically for Insure my House's relevant demographic and serve to generate leads for the business through this thriving online space. Everbold also run a remarketing campaign for Insure My House to entice previous website visitors to get a quote.

get the upper hand


At Everbold we aim to create the best BOLD solutions to suit your business needs.